Why are high achievers ditching traditional reminder systems for “Rolling Reminders”?
TL;DR: Today’s reminders take effort to set, go-off once and rarely have awareness if you are already busy. Task.it places reminders as tasks into empty slot in your calendar. The result is you get a day free of pop-up reminders. Reminders and tasks are only presented to you when you have time to address them.
Think of a recent time you tried to set a reminder. How effective was it?
Here’s a typical scenario. Alex wants to be sure to review a paper for Susan today. Alex sets a reminder. Later that day, the reminder pops up on the screen - but Alex is on a call with another executive. While on the phone, Alex resets the reminder to popup later. A few hours go by, the reminder pops up again - but Alex is working on another deadline. Alex sets the reminder again for later. Alex has to leave work early for an urgency at home - and the reminder pops up on the computer as he walks out of the office, missing the reminder.
How many times has a reminder popped up on the screen and it has been at a time that was inconvenient? How many times have you had to spend time to reset reminders that went off at times you couldn’t address them?
Imagine a system where reminders only occurred at the moment you actually have the time to address them. Imagine a system where if for some reason you couldn’t do the work, the reminder was rescheduled.
These are the challenges we aimed to fix with Task.it using something we call “Rolling Reminders.”
Studies show that interruptions, like popup reminders, can disrupt productivity.
We believe people could use less interruptions and more opportunities for “flow states.”
Our solution is to turn the calendar event into the reminder. Put an event on your calendar titled with the reminder. Add the activation keyword “task.it” to the notes section of the event.
Now, the reminder is when you look at your calendar for your next appointment. If, for some reason, you don’t complete the task, the reminder will be rescheduled to your next open availability.
The reminder will “roll” forward until you mark it complete.
Let us know how “rolling reminders” work for you (feedback@task.it).
We hope you love them as much as we do.