Want Trello to send your tasks to Task.it?
Are you a fan of Trello? Ever used Zapier?
You may have discovered that putting tasks into Trello is great - but getting those tasks scheduled and done isn’t always effortless.
Here’s a new solution for you with Task.it.
As you may know, Zapier is a service that allows you to connect actions on one website to actions on another.
We have now created a Zapier connector between Trello boards and Task.it.
Using this “Zap”, you can specify a list in Trello and any card card put on that list will automatically place a Task.it managed task onto your calendar. This Zap works if you have your Task.it tasks on a Google calendar.
We have configured this particular Zap for the home. Personally, we created a Trello board for tasks in the home we wanted to tackle on evenings and weekends. We set up the Zap so that any card that is dragged into our “In Progress” list on Trello automatically adds a Task.it task that is scheduled on weekends and weeknights.
You can modify the “ON weekend” command in the Description section of the calendar event with other Task.it Commands to create other types of automatically managed Task.it tasks.
… and let us know how you used it!
Happy Tasking.