Want to connect Jira to Task.it?
Want Trello to send your tasks to Task.it?
BEST PRACTICES: Want a hack to juggle the many projects in your life? Try CATEGORIES in Task.it
Why are high achievers ditching traditional reminder systems for “Rolling Reminders”?
Traditional reminder systems have been letting you down. Discover how “rolling reminders” can create an interruption free way of staying on top of tasks.
With so many task management options today, why Task.it?
There are hundreds of task management systems. Why another one now?

How do time management gurus hack a better GTD experience using Task.it?
David Allen's "Getting Things Done" is remarkable - but it’s a lot of work.
What if you could have all the power of GTD with less of the work?
Here’s four steps to a quick start with GTD using task.it.